Yuki Asia Umbrella Fund
As at | Total NAV (JPY mill) | NAV per unit (JPY) | Daily Change (JPY) | Performance Data | Monthly Fact-Sheet | Financial Statements | Fund Prospectus |
Yuki Japan Rebounding Growth Fund JPY | 3,158.33 | 40,824 | -46 | View | Download | Request | Download |
Yuki Japan Rebounding Growth Fund USD Hedged | 815.88 | 1,908.47 | -1.74 | View | Download | Request | Download |
Yuki Japan Rebounding Growth Fund EUR Hedged | 35.70 | 1,055.71 | -1.06 | View | Request | Download |
Our objective is to invest in the best growth companies in Japan. We do this with our two-stage process.
First — We screen all 4,000 listed Japanese companies for growth qualities and traits that we value, such as: earnings growth, earnings growth momentum, productivity (sales per head), margin improvement, etc. This creates our Growth Universe, which typically consists of 400-600 companies at any given time. This screening process gives us a systematic advantage over the market.
Second — We conduct onsite due diligence on each company in our Growth Universe. We speak to the key decision makers, and get their pitch on the company, and their goals and aspirations for the future, along with their current information on the company. We then compile all of this data and determine the value of each company over the next 2-3 years. If we determine that their 3-year growth outlook is promising, then we will invest in the company. The fund manager will not invest in a company unless he himself has met with the key decision makers. Our fund typically has 60-80 companies at a given time. with the top 10 holdings making up around 35% of the portfolio, and the top 30 being around 80% of the portfolio. This is a strategy that is only able to be implemented from a local team and could not be replicated otherwise.
Supplementary Information *1 |
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KIID (Key Investor Information Document) |
JPY Unit Class JPY Institutional Class JPY Institutional Class 2 USD Hedged Unit Class USD Hedged Class 2 Euro Hedged Unit Class Euro Institutional Class |
Initial Application Form (English) |
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Subscription Form *2 |
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UK tax reporting (year end July 2018) |
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This material is not intended as an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any of the Funds included in this website and is not targeted at investors in Japan or China, nor any retail investors.
*1 - This Supplement contains information related specifically to Yuki Japan Rebounding Growth Fund (the "Sub-Fund"), a sub-fund of Yuki Asia Umbrella Fund (the "Fund") an open-ended umbrella unit trust authorised by Central Bank of Ireland pursuant to the provisions of the UCITS Regulations.
This Supplement forms part of and should be read in the context of and in conjunction with the Prospectus.
*2 - For subsequent investment after initial application.
Please only use English version for official application